JK. This Is A Thank You Letter!
Thank you very, very much for taking the time to look at my website! I am not a tech-savvy person, so one little change on this thing can sometimes, (ususally) take me a couple hours. The fact that you're reading this means you've clicked around a little, and that makes this all worth it! Please feel free to email or DM me anytime, whether it's about bookings or just to say hi! All I want in life at the moment is to meet new people, play music and travel. If you have any crazy ideas, it would make my year to hear them!
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Ontario Tour

Artist: Nevaeh Dyson
Release Date: 2023-09-29
Genres: Indie, Indie Rock, Rock
About New Album

(*I know this says “available now”. It’s not! This is just me showing you that I toured Ontario alone at the age of 17, and this is my blurb about it!)

I visited Ontario for the first time while on my first tour, and I adored it! I went to and played in jazz clubs, underground bars, and learned that everyone I ran into was working on some sort of creative project. During my four days in Toronto, I fell in love with it. I met composers, music students, photographers, actors, and social media influencers, and made some pretty good friends. I walked a huge amount throughout Ontario and learned how to use the bus since I wasn’t old enough to rent a car. One day I even went to Quebec, got on a random 10-seater French bus, played at an open mic, and then a banjo player drove me back home to Ottawa! (Thank you Johnny!)

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